Monday, July 26, 2010

Beneath the Wings of Childhood

Beneath the Wings of Childhood
There remains a special place
That not age nor the world
Can from a gentle heart erase

It is a land filled with memory
It is a land filled with joy
That was locked into the heart
Of each and every girl and boy

Where little feet still run wild
And little hands still make their way
Through adventure and life’s wonder
In learning and in play

Beneath the Wings of Childhood
One can forever reminisce
The reading of a bedtime story
The comfort of a bedtime kiss

Though life will have its bridges
And paths filled with many stones
There is a certain road you can travel
That will always lead you home

As those who bear a child’s heart
Have eternally understood, that home
And dreams and faraway lands
Are always waiting - just

Beneath the Wings of Childhood


Illustration by: Jessie Wilcox Smith (1863-1935)
Posted for Alphabe-thursday...letter C


  1. What a wonderful post! Combined with the work of Jessie Wilcox Smith, it is just perfect.

  2. Oh that was exactly what I needed. Thank you so much for that inspirational "C" post!

  3. Oh! the magic of childhood!
    Wonderful poem!!
    happy friday : )

  4. Hi bkm , that was another lovely poem , thanks.

  5. What a lovely poem.

    Thanks for sharing it!

  6. Lovely poem. I enjoyed it a lot, reminded me of the children's poems by Robert Louis Stevenson.

  7. magical! took me back to childhood times!

  8. OK. That's it! I need to buy a book of these poems.

    You are amazing.

    Your book could be the new classic poetry book for children. And I would read it to our grandlittles and they would cuddle on my lap and I would tell them the story every time I got the book off the shelf how I started reading your blog before you became famous.

    Hint, hint.

    Thank you for this wonderful link.

    Each time I come here I am enchanted.


  9. What a wonderful poem. As always, you deliver a creative work that really speaks to the heart.


  10. That was lovely - something to print and save to read again.

  11. Great poem! I am always happy to enjoy a cleverly written poem. Anne


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