Thursday, July 8, 2010

Do You Hear the Wind? -Monday's Child #41

Do you hear the wind, Mother?
I think its calls to me
Declaring seven sailing ships ready
To sail the seven seas –

Do you feel the wind, Mother?
I feel it in my soul
It pulls upon my childhood heart
To soon let childhood go –

With wind and soul
and with heavy heart
I look into your eyes – Mother,
did you know the time would
come for bittersweet good-byes?

Did you know life’s sailing ships
would anchor in the night,
to carrying away a lifetime of dreams
in such a fateful flight?

Do you see the sails, Mother?
I see them in the harbor
The ships are ready to pull anchor
My childhood no more can linger –


Thought I would submit a piece of my children's poetry this week....Monday's Child
this is one of my favorites..the illustration and this poem...

Illustration by: Florence Edith Storer


  1. Oh, how lovely! Thank you for leaving link at Red Ted Art ;-)

    Maggy x

  2. A children's poem for adults - what mother hasn't had those thoughts as she watches her baby slip away into childhood, then adolescence and onward. If one is lucky, the ship comes back, carrying grandchildren.

  3. Reminds me of the John Denver song about the wind. I love when nature and love of children coincide; two of my favorite things. Thanks for visiting me at I'll be back.

  4. This poem is simply beautiful and I loved it.

  5. Thank you Red, Pondside, Laura and Viola - I do thank you and this is one of my favorites - it reminds me of my children and wanting to keep them near knowing their need to be who they were created to be....blessings to you all...bkm

  6. This is a deep thinking tale of relationship. loved it.

  7. Putting words to this growing-up thing is hard... but these say so much, written on the wind as they are.

  8. that last line rings heavy for me...time to put away the toys...wonderful write...and thanks for linking up to oneshot!

  9. This was fun and greatly written. Very nice piece

  10. I beary much loved this poem! It brought me back to when I was little and my Mom used to read to me.

  11. This is delightful, like a child's verse, but with an adult's understanding. I really liked it.

  12. Thank you everyone, Talon, Kira, Brian, Caty, and Titanum and of course Anthony...thank you...much

    Thanks Patti, I appreciate you comments too...I do really enjoy your work..bkm

  13. Your lines took me back a bit and got me thinking about my daughter when she was a child and how she is now at seventeen.
    "My childhood no more can linger"
    That is such a ponderous, weighty and meaty line rather janus like ponting both forwrds and backwards

  14. I read this wanting to read it to my children but the more i read it the more i understood that it really was for pondside said "a childs poem for adults" excellent poem..cheers bkm

  15. Love how the speaker is pointing out the signs of leaving to the mother, as if she needs to truly consider what looms on the horizon. Very well done.

  16. mothers always see the ship first
    but sometimes don't want to tell
    what they see

    Lovely poem of seperation that must be

  17. oh bittersweet passage of time. I want to hold my babies closer, but know that one day the ship will come to sail them off on their own paths. Reminds me of Khalil Gibran a hint.
    Thanks for visiting BKM

  18. Oh a poem filled with emotions and relationship, it really touches my heart and it been a wonderful read:) how i wish i can return to my childhood years:3

  19. My ship has sailed and won't return
    For my childhood has gone to sea
    We weight anchor last night
    And sailed at first light
    Mother pray for me
    As I face the raging sea

  20. Oh -oh - had to fight the tears - because my eldest daughter is about to set sail - and will leave in 3 weeks for Bolivia - for a whole year - and yes - my motherheart is heavy...

  21. What a wonderful poem. It captures both the feelings of the child and in essence the mother. It is difficult for any mother to let her kids fly. But I really liked the part that captured a child realizing that they were turning into an adult. That is a most difficult time.

  22. Thank you all for your really is hard for both child and mother .. yet to hold on to them, we would cripple them...and that is not our calling...bkm

  23. very touching write... beautifully written and expressed.

  24. Aawww.. that was beautiful and moving, bkm !
    Childhood beckons...over and over again.. and as much as we want to go back to it, the facts remain!
    A lovely poem!!
    Thank oyu for sharing this one..

  25. sweet have a very nice blog here too! love the outline and the content! touched..:)


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