Monday, March 7, 2011

A Bedtime Book for Little Nellie - Monday's Child #36

Illustrations provided by poet friend..."lissa"
thank you "lissa" for you beautiful Bedtime Story drawing

oh!  what adventure
for Little Nellie
for she had tired of the tel-lie
tired too of playing games
they all appeared
to be the same

so she found a fairy book
and off to bed
with it took
and with her too some
fairy ears to ensure
the fairies she did hear

and as Nellie listened
to each word
that the book and fairies said
there grew a magic all around
the fairy book and her bed
and what Nellie 
 found to be true
was that faires fly like birdies do

 her little heart so entwined with
childhood bliss
of wonderlands and fairy's kiss
that is was not long
before she did into it fall
fairy ears and pillows all
within the dreams of fairy land
sound asleep with
book in hand

copyrighted 2011


  1. Oh I just loved this ... completely magical! I feel four years old again :o)

  2. Falling asleep with book in hand - pure bliss!

  3. I found the repeated 'book' took' 'took' rhymes very uncomfortable to read aloud - it's not a vary pleasing sound/rhyme 'ook' - don't you agree? Maybe an edit would be worth thinking about?

  4. I gave it an edit Jinksy... I think one of those tooks was a too but I changed it to give an easier read..thank you...bkm

  5. I really loved this. What child wouldn't love to hear this story.

  6. Fairy ears??? Never thought of that. Great idea...and it worked!

  7. Magical fairy lands and dreams to carry us through the night. Lovely write.

  8. So enchanting..I could fall into those pillows myself...

  9. it's wonderful! I didn't read the first version but I find this version very easy to read and take in. & I like "fairy ears" - would not have thought of that.

    thanks for using my pic for the prompt. hope your day is sweet and happy.

  10. so detailed, very fantastic and magical tale.

    love this one very much.
    superb job.

  11. lovely poem which is mated perfectly with
    lissa's magical piece!

  12. This is an adorable poem and illustration. I think you meant to say "it was not long" instead of "is was not long" though I kind of like it both ways. I think my granddaughters will love the charming wording of this piece "that fairies fly like birdies do" and "she did into it fall, fairy ears and pillows all".

  13. Very sweet poetic tale! I can imagine Nellie sound asleep with book in hand:)


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