Thursday, September 30, 2010

Different but the Same - Monday's Child #14

Illustrator:  Jessica Wilcox Smith

- We are sisters -
our first names are different
but are last name is the same
and we love to work together
doing what is right
we both do like dresses
and kittens that are white
she likes chocolate
I like berry, pies that mother makes
but we both agree about cherry
Her favorite color is red
and mine is blue
but we both prefer black
when it comes to wearing shoes
and when the day is over
and we compare just who we are
though we both are different
in many ways - we both choose to say
wishing upon the same
shining star



  1. This is beautiful!
    I have missed you all (so cool how much you are growing!) and look forward to getting back into Monday's Child again soon.
    Hope you are well and have a great weekend, Kristin xo

  2. This is beautiful, I loved it :o)


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